EdTech - 2D/3D, UI/UX Lessons and Games

-From 2016 to 2017, the Interactive Special Projects Supervisor-
Assisted with researching and developing new automation tools to modernize and streamline proprietary software. This helped ensure time-saving and cost-efficient production.
Co-founder of Istation University, an internal employee program, they focused on improving communications via the Istation University newsletter and providing additional skills training through e-learning, interactive technical training course materials, videos, special events, and Game Jam exercises.
-From 2012 to 2016, the Interactive Production Supervisor-
Co-managed a team of 32 employees and supervised multi-million dollar e-learning assessment productions, regularly completing work before deadlines.
Project Managed entire project life cycle for multiple content releases and assisted production development for scene-specific lessons by helping with written scripts, scene architecture, and 2D/3D UI/UX Construction.
-From 2008 to 2012, the Interactive Designer-
Specialized in creating 2D/3D UI/UX interactive lessons with art, animation, and audio assets based on written scripts and storyboards.
Skilled in hard surface modeling, texturing, and animation for production

Ernie Arrieta - Istation 2016 Reel

Animation Breakdown - Secret Equation Man, aka Donnie and the Decimals

Art Directed/Storyboard: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffey // Authoring/Editing: Ernie Arrieta // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta

First Pass Blockout - Secret Equation Man, aka Donnie and the Decimals

Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffey // Authoring/Editing Ernie Arrieta // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta

"The Birds - Musical Rhymes"
Art Directed: Ernie Arrieta // Game Designed: Ernie // 2d Animator: Ernie Arrieta And Kressent Rhodes // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta.

"The Birds - Musical Rhymes"
Art Directed: Ernie Arrieta // Game Designed: Ernie // 2d Animator: Ernie Arrieta And Kressent Rhodes // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta.

"The Birds - Musical Rhymes"
Art Directed: Ernie Arrieta // Game Designed: Ernie Arrieta // 2d Animator: Ernie Arrieta And Kressent Rhodes // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta

"The Birds - Musical Rhymes"
Art Directed: Ernie Arrieta // Game Designed: Ernie Arrieta // 2d Animator: Ernie Arrieta And Kressent Rhodes // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta

"Istation Reading assessments, known as ISIP™ Reading for pre-K through 8th grade"
Justin Time

Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffey // 3d Animator: Ernie Arrieta // Motion Graphic Designer: Ernie Arrieta // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta

Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffey // 3d Animator: Ernie Arrieta // Motion Graphic Designer: Ernie Arrieta // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta

Counting Fingers - Istation Math Curriculum Correlated to Kansas State Standards for Mathematics Kindergarten

Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffey // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta // Motion Graphic Designer: Ernie Arrieta

Phonological Phonemic Awareness - Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Fernando Sazi // Curriculum Writer: Sandy Smith // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta //UX Designer: Zach Lawrence // Motion Graphic Designer: Ernie Arrieta

IAuthor is a UI/UX digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application developed by John Schoenberger and used in the post-production process of 2d interactive assessments lessons, and ed-tech games. Among other things.

IAuthor is a UI/UX digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application developed by John Schoenberger and used in the post-production process of 2d interactive assessments lessons, and ed-tech games. Among other things.

IAuthor is a UI/UX digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application developed by John Schoenberger and used in the post-production process of 2d interactive assessments lessons, and ed-tech games, among other things.

IAuthor is a UI/UX digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application developed by John Schoenberger and used in the post-production process of 2d interactive assessments lessons, and ed-tech games, among other things.

IAuthor is a UI/UX digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application developed by John Schoenberger and used in the post-production process of 2d interactive assessments lessons, and ed-tech games, among other things.

Time Trap Game - Video 1 /Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffey // Curriculum Writer: Unknown // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta //UX Designer: Zach Lawrence // Motion Graphic Designer: Ernie Arrieta

>> Video 1 - Game Design <<

Time Trap Game - Video 2 Game Play

Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffey & Erine Arrieta // Curriculum Writer: Unknown // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta //UX Designer: Zach Lawrence // Motion Graphic Desiger: Ernie Arrieta

Decimal Shooter Game - Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffey & Ernie Arrieta // Curriculum Writer: Unknown // UI Designer: Ernie Arrieta //UX Designer: Zach Lawrence // Motion Graphic Designer: Ernie Arrieta

Motion Graphics and UI Animations

Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffe & Ernie Arrieta // Curriculum Writer: Unknown // UI/UX Designer: Ernie Motion Graphic Designer: Ernie Arrieta

Motion Graphics and UI Animations

Art Directed: Dan Kuenster // 2d Animator: Anthony Coffey & Ernie // Curriculum Writer: Unknown // UI/UX Designer: Ernie Motion Graphic Designer: Ernie Arrieta

iStation Tough Mudder

iStation Tough Mudder